Friday, September 01, 2006


It was swift, like fire, and it permeated through my whole body. I tried to open my eyes but I could not. My hands were moving but I was not telling them what to do. Our musings carried out of the café we were in and into the streets. The sound of misery and mirth could be heard all around the town square.

After we were done, I put my guitar away, recalling merely the fall from the heights to which the music had lifted me. Call it a state of euphoria if you will, but when I make my music and crowds of people feel the same power that I do, and they express it through clapping along or oscillating their heads, I am taken to a state of ecstasy where my hands and my lips channel my emotion and pain without the need for my brain to mediate.

What I am describing here is the feeling I get when I play music for a crowd of people. When, through singing, people relate to me and my life experiences and they show their recognition through physical movement, namely dance. This experience fills me with a sensation that I cannot reproduce any other way. No drug in the world can do to you what a screaming crowd can do.

Throughout my exploits into music I can say that there is one thing that I continually ask God for, aside from persistence and inspiration. I pray that God will give me the ability to inspire tarantism in all those I make my music for. I pray that he will use me to relieve stress in the lives of those who listen to my songs, and that through those songs he will use me to minister to them, all to His glory.

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